Welcome to the HGNC BioMart server

Use our BioMart service to download the data you want from our database. Our BioMart service allows you to filter our datasets and select the fields you wish to see within your download file.

Below is a summary of the datasets that we provide. Click on the dataset label to start your download query:

HGNC Marts
A HGNC gene symbol centric dataset for downloading data related to our gene symbol reports.
A HGNC gene family centric dataset to download data associated with our gene families.

About BioMart

BioMart is a generic data management system which offers a range of advanced query interfaces and administration tools.

The system comes with built-in support for query-optimisation and database federation. BioMart provides users with the ability to conduct fast, powerful queries using either web, graphical, or text based applications, or programatically using web services or software libraries. For data providers, the system simplifies the task of integrating their own data with other datasets hosted on the network.

All the software, including an easy to install BioMart website, is available for local installation. BioMart software is completely Open Source, licensed under the LGPL, and freely available to anyone without restrictions.

For more information about BioMart visit www.biomart.org.